A CTF map. Not quite as brown as some CTF maps - I think my monitor's getting on a bit and doesn't display contrast like it used to, so maps that are too dark and monochrome can be tricky to see properly.
A slightly different concept for a map - shoot the target at the start to raise the gate, then race to the end of the course, while navigating various obstacles, and avoiding newbies trying to shoot you in the back.
A not particularly accurate remake of Deck16 from Unreal Tournament. It's been scaled down a bit, which is better for a game that doesn't feature sniper rifles or nuclear missiles.
A big map with no weapons or powerups. Designed for clan arena, royal rumble or excessive modes. Lots of opportunity for crazy rocket jumps. Features a couple of comfy armchairs if you fancy a break from the action.
A ffa map with a few surprises. Fall in the slime and you'll end up trapped in a box. Also features some ridiculous secret passages.
My first ever map, now updated slightly. An overload of colourful, clashing textures that guarantee headaches and nausea.
No powerups, so it's best suited for excessive mode or arena. A constantly undulating sea of platforms make a map that initially looks like it could be quite fun, but quickly becomes tedious and frustating. Also manages to confuse the hell out of bots.
A small, oddly textured map.